Haymakers Inc

Quality Coastal Hay Square or Round Bales

Quality 1 and Quality 2 Hay—Square or Round Bales
Click Here for Hay Prices

The availability of excellent irrigation water and a climate beneficial for hay production make Mason County the ideal location for producing the clean, quality hay for which Haymakers Inc. is famous.

Beginning with 40 acres of Coastal Bermuda hay Gene and Del Roy have built a program that manages 350 to 400 acres of irrigated and 300 to 400 acres of dryland hay. Using the most efficient methods of hay production, the latest technology and equipment and a proven program of weed control Haymakers Inc. delivers to their customers the highest quality hay available anywhere.

Quality Coastal Horse Hay

Quality Coastal Horse Hay

Quality Coastal Horse Hay
Quality Coastal Horse Hay

Haymakers Inc. produces and sells 70,000 to 80,000 square bales and 1500 to 2000 round bales annually.

With their state-of-the-art equipment Haymakers Inc. can load your truck at the field during harvest or from their barns.

Quality Coastal Horse Hay

In November, 2002 Haymakers Inc.
was awarded the $10,000 first prize
as winner of the "Field of Dreams"
contest sponsored by Progressive
Farmer Magazine and BASF,
producers of "Plateau" herbicide.

Quality Coastal Horse Hay

Quality Coastal Horse Hay

In 1998 the Mason County Soil and Water Conservation District recognized Haymakers Inc., Gene Geistweidt and Del Roy Reichenau with the "Outstanding Conservationists" Award.

Mason County Trail Riders

feed Haymakers Inc. clean, quality hay

to their high-performance horses

Quality Coastal Horse Hay

For hay, custom farming or more information contact:
Del Roy Reichenau   Gene Geistweidt
325-347-5608   325-347-6236
1038 RR 1871     Mason, Texas 76856

Copyright © 2006-2024 Haymakers Inc. All rights reserved.